Using the Power of History to Transform Lives"
Preserving – Sharing – Connecting

head docent & Volunteers

Denice Grace


Lance Little - Board Chair

Deb Adams - Vice Chair

Steve Teich

Elaine Greenway

Christopher Owens

Robert Hooper

William Moull


Owosso Historical Commission Mission and Vision
Core Strategy and Guiding Principles

The Curwood Collection is maintained, supported and preserved by the Owosso Historical Commission, whose vision “To Foster Appreciation and Discovery of Owosso’s Heritage,” is supported by our mission “To recognize, preserve and bring public attention to the historical treasures of the city and to promote a historical interest in the arts.”

The Curwood Collection also includes the Ivan Conger Archives, the letters and personal papers of James Oliver Curwood and Ivan Conger, and the Curwood Collection Historical Archives.


The Curwood Collection includes:

  • Curwood Castle – Writing and Conservation Studio Museum

  • Comstock Pioneer Cabin

  • Woodard Paymaster Building

  • Ivan Conger Archives

  • Historical Archives


Owosso Historical Commission Core Strategy

  • Educate and engage audiences in appreciating the past and helping visitors find relevance to their lives through a diverse and progressive program of collections, exhibitions, and educational initiatives.

  • Enhance audience engagement with museums and collections through participatory, relevant, enjoyable and happy experiences thereby strengthening recognition as an important community partner.

  • Maintain enlightened stewardship by practicing responsible custodianship, committing to the long-term care, preservation, and comprehension of the collections and facilities.

  • Attract and empower committed people by fostering an environment that encourages change, innovation, free-thinking and respect for diversity while providing necessary human and financial resources.

  • Achieve organizational sustainability by sufficiently increasing the endowment and ongoing fundraising to support operations and maintain high standards of programs.

  • Utilize the organization’s physical assets to best meet the long-term needs of the institution in accordance with accepted museum ethical and professional standards.


Owosso Historical Commission Guiding Principles

Stewardship and Service

  • We responsibly care for the historical treasures that have been entrusted to us.

  • Public Service is inherent in what we do; we challenge ourselves to focus on meeting our audiences changing needs and to provide unparalleled customer service.

Innovation and Resourcefulness

  • We continually seek fresh ways to meet our mission of connecting people to history and sharing compelling stories.

  • Creativity and effectiveness are critical to our success and are recognized, supported, honored and rewarded.

  • We are entrepreneurial in our search for diversified financial and other resources but always mindful that they support our mission, vision and strategies rather than create them.


  • We communicate with honesty, openness and transparency.

  • Our tradition of excellence and leadership across different professions are upheld and supported, especially through staff recognition, compensation and development.

Inclusivity and Collaboration

  • Collections, programs, staffing and governance reflect diversity.

  • We conduct our work with cooperation and mutual respect, working collaboratively to create teams that take advantage of the diversity of the skills and activities throughout the organization and the greater community.